News Wallet

New Wallet release addressing the “Fake Stake” attack issue on chain-based PoS cryptocurrencies

We are happy to announce that a new non-mandatory Wallet v1.2.1 has been published, mainly addressing exchanges regarding the “Fake Stake” attack issues.

These vulnerabilities have affected 26+ Proof-of-Stake cryptocurrencies in total and would allow a network attacker with a very small amount of stake to crash any of the network nodes running the corresponding software.

You can find more info about this issue in a medium article published by Decentralized Systems Lab here.

stake amplification step
stake amplification step


Announcement for CryptoBridge is expected to follow shortly.



Chief Compliance Officer for COLX. Got into crypto end 2016, passionate about everything that works binary. Polyglot, developer, gaming and football fanatic. Reponsible for Web-, Bot-, and Business Development and Marketing